De ce votăm așa? Partea IV: Cultivarea gândirii critice și informate în alegerile viitoare
Când candidatul își începe discursul cu fraze precum „România este Grădina Maicii Domnului” sau „Carpații sunt coloanele de lumină care susțin echilibrul energetic al planetei,” e greu să nu fii impresionat. Vorbele sunt rostite cu o gravitate aproape hipnotică,...
De ce votăm așa? Partea III: Peisajul politic și media premergător alegerilor din 2024
De parcă ar fi fost la un maraton de manipulare care a început în anii '90 și încă mai ține, politicienii români au transformat mass-media într-un fel de instrument magic de hipnotizat publicul. Nu-i așa că e fascinant cum, de peste trei decenii, televizoarele noastre...
De ce votăm așa? Partea II: Analiza alegătorului român
Explorăm mai departe modul în care cele trei niveluri cognitive interacționează în cazul a trei tipuri de alegători, concentrându-ne pe discursul candidatului suveranist și pe cel anti-LGBTQ. Mulți susținători ai candidatului suveranist au declarat că resping...
De ce votăm așa? Partea I: Modelul celor trei minți
M-am apucat să explorez modelul tripartit al lui Stanovich pentru că am început să mă simt ca un detectiv în mijlocul unei enigme imposibile. Cum se face că mulți dintre votanții români aleg să „dea un șut” sistemului care ne manipulează de 35 de ani, chiar dacă...
The Importance of Critical Thinking when Using ChatGPT (and Other Large Language Models)
We examine the impact of ChatGPT on critical thinking. We will explore the limitations of this technology, the ways in which it may perpetuate misinformation and biases, and the steps that individuals and organizations can take to maximize the benefits of ChatGPT while minimizing the risks.
How to Critically Evaluate News and Media Sources
The purpose of this article is to provide a guide to critically evaluate news and media sources, to help you make informed decisions and avoid being misled. The article will explore the importance of considering factors such as the source, the motivations behind the message, and the evidence presented.
Critical Thinking in the Workplace
The growing importance of critical thinking skills in the workplace and the urgent need for employers to invest in training and development to help their employees improve in this area are undeniable. Without strong critical thinking skills, employees may struggle to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. This can lead to costly mistakes, missed opportunities, and decreased productivity.
Critical Thinking is Different from Debating
Critical thinking is different from debating. It is about more than just winning an argument or convincing others to see things your way. It’s a process of evaluating information, analysing arguments, and making sound decisions based on evidence and reasoning. It requires open-mindedness, scepticism, and a willingness to consider multiple perspectives.
Using Critical Thinking to Explore if Crystals Have Magical Properties
While the belief in the magical properties of crystals has been around for centuries, using critical thinking can help us understand if these properties are real or just a placebo effect. By examining the evidence and applying rational thinking, we can gain a better understanding of the true nature of the supposed magical properties of crystals.
Main Challenges When Developing Your Critical Thinking
In this article, we explore the main challenges that people face when trying to develop their critical thinking skills and provide some tips and strategies for overcoming them.
How to Effectively Present and Defend Your Arguments
Guidance on how to effectively present and defend your arguments, whether it’s in a casual conversation or a formal debate. Through practical tips and strategies, we’ll explore how to confidently articulate your thoughts, stay focused on the issue at hand, and effectively counter opposing views.
What Is the Role of Argumentation in Critical Thinking?
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it's more important than ever to be able to think critically and make informed decisions. One crucial aspect of critical thinking is the ability to engage in argumentation – the process of presenting and evaluating...
Why and How to Use Critical Thinking in Everyday Life
Critical thinking is a helpful skill that allows you to analyze information and make informed decisions. It's all about taking a step back and evaluating information objectively, considering multiple perspectives, and making sound judgments based on evidence. With...
10 Ways to Apply Critical Thinking Dispositions in Social Media Interactions
In a previous post, we wrote about critical thinking dispositions, which are the tendencies that contribute greatly to the act of thinking critically in our everyday lives, we thought it would be useful to convert that previous post into a far easier to digest list in the hope of getting the message through more efficiently.
Can Critical Thinking Be seen as a Set of Skills?
The reason we want to “see” critical thinking as skills, is because once we have a set of skills, then we can talk about something that is both teachable and transferable. When we will have taught the skills, we can then check that these can be taken from the context they have been taught in and transferred to other contexts, indeed to a person’s entire life.
What’s the Best Way to Teach Critical Thinking?
There are 4 major types of critical thinking instruction: general method, infusion method, immersion method and mixed method.
On Critical Thinking Dispositions
In this article I will aim to offer an account of what the critical thinking dispositions might be in an effort to increase the awareness of these tendencies that contribute greatly to the act of thinking critically in our everyday lives.
Critical thinking became a hot topic through the 1980’s. Given the tremendous momentum gained by the critical thinking movement in those years, a panel of experts started to work through a Delphi process aiming to answer a few significant questions such as: what are the skills and dispositions which make for critical thinking?
10 Best Paid Online Critical Thinking Courses
A list of 10 best paid online critical tinking courses with details on the time and money you need to invest. Critical thinking can be called real world intelligence and many would agree that there is nothing which contributes more to our lives’ fulfilment as does this kind of thinking.
16 Best Free Online Critical Thinking Courses
Below are listed 16 of the best free online critical thinking courses with details regarding their contents. Critical thinking is one of the most fundamental skills you could focus on. In fact, these skills are so important that many educational institutions have listed them among their central goals. Critical thinking helps you sort the true from the false.
The Quickest and Easiest Way to Improve Your Critical Thinking
How many times have you set about to write your course notes or get ready for your exam and started on a big pile of papers with a tight deadline to go through all of them? Only to find that at the end of four hours of hard work you feel so overwhelmed by the volume of information and new concepts that you have no idea how you’ll be able to internalize any of it.
Strategies to Combat Climate Change Misinformation
What might be some strategies that can be employed against scientific misinformation regarding climate change? Research suggests that an individual’s ideology and values will determine whether they accept or reject scientific consensus. Factors such as religious beliefs, political affiliation and even geographical location will determine whether they will change their mind on climate change, given the scientific consensus.