The Importance of Critical Thinking when Using ChatGPT (and Other Large Language Models)

Written by Argumentful

Artificial intelligence has made tremendous strides in recent years, allowing for the creation of conversational AI models that can engage in human-like dialogue. One of the most well-known examples is OpenAI’s language model, ChatGPT. This system can perform a wide range of tasks, from answering trivia questions to generating written content. However, it’s important to remember that ChatGPT is not a human and its responses should not be taken as gospel truth. In order to make the most of this technology, users must engage in critical thinking and exercise caution when using it.

One of the most compelling aspects of ChatGPT is its ability to generate text that appears to be written by a human. This means that it can be easy to forget that the text wasn’t written by a person and to trust the information it provides without considering its accuracy. This can lead to the spread of false information and misinterpretation of facts. For example, if a user asks ChatGPT about a medical condition, it may provide inaccurate information that could harm the user.

The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of ChatGPT on critical thinking. We will explore the limitations of this technology, the ways in which it may perpetuate misinformation and biases, and the steps that individuals and organizations can take to maximize the benefits of ChatGPT while minimizing the risks.


• What is ChatGPT?

• Potential Drawbacks of ChatGPT for Critical Thinking

              • The potential for large language models to perpetuate biases and stereotypes

              Fake news, propaganda and misinformation

• Tips for exercising critical thinking when using language AIs

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a type of artificial intelligence language model that has been trained on a vast corpus of text data. This allows it to perform a wide range of tasks, including answering questions, generating written content, and participating in human-like dialogue.

One of the most remarkable capabilities of ChatGPT is its ability to generate written content that appears to be written by a human. This has led to its growing use in a number of industries, including journalism, advertising, and publishing. In journalism, for example, ChatGPT can be used to generate news articles, summaries, and reports. In advertising, it can be used to create captions, headlines, and product descriptions. In publishing, it can be used to generate fiction, poetry, and other forms of written content.

The growing use of ChatGPT in these industries has led to both excitement and concern. On one hand, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce and consume written content. On the other hand, it raises questions about the impact of this technology on the quality and credibility of information. As ChatGPT becomes increasingly widespread, it’s important to understand its limitations, and to use it in a responsible and informed manner.

Potential Drawbacks of ChatGPT for Critical Thinking

ChatGPT poses a number of risks.

The potential for large language models to perpetuate biases and stereotypes

The potential for large language models to perpetuate biases and stereotypes has significant implications for critical thinking. In particular, it highlights the importance of being aware of the limitations of these models and the potential biases they may contain.

Large language models are not always objective

Firstly, it is important to recognize that large language models are not objective sources of information. They are trained on data that may contain biases and stereotypes, which means that the language they generate may reflect these biases. This means that we should be cautious when using language generated by these models as evidence or as the basis for decision-making.

For example, if a large language model generates language that reinforces a harmful stereotype, it is important to question the accuracy and reliability of this language. This requires a critical approach to evaluating the sources of information we use and being aware of the potential biases they may contain.

We need diverse and inclusive data sets

Secondly, the potential for large language models to perpetuate biases highlights the need for diverse and inclusive data sets. If the data used to train these models is biased or limited, the models are likely to replicate these biases in their language generation. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the data used to train these models is diverse and representative of the population.

This means that critical thinking should also involve evaluating the quality and diversity of the data used to train these models. It is important to consider the sources of the data, as well as how the data was collected and processed, in order to understand any potential biases that may be present.

Ethics: are we transparent and accountable in how we develop LLMs?

Finally, the potential for large language models to perpetuate biases and stereotypes also highlights the importance of ethical considerations in artificial intelligence. As these models become more powerful and more widely used, it is essential that they are developed and used in an ethical and responsible manner.

This requires critical thinking about the potential implications of these models and the need for transparency and accountability in their development and use. It is important to consider the ethical implications of these models, including issues related to bias, privacy, and fairness, in order to ensure that they are developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole.

Fake news, propaganda and misinformation

Perhaps the most obvious concern is the spread of misinformation. As ChatGPT is capable of generating written content based on data and existing sources, it’s possible for it to perpetuate and amplify false or misleading information. This can undermine critical thinking by presenting individuals with biased or inaccurate information and hindering their ability to make informed decisions.

For example, is a forum where individuals engaged in unethical practices exchange ideas for profiting from fake content. ChatGPT is celebrated on the platform as a transformative tool for generating more sophisticated fake reviews, comments, and profiles.

Influence operations

These risks are not just theoretical. OpenAI itself published a report that examines the potential dangers posed by influence operations that leverage artificial intelligence.

What are influence operations?

Influence operations encompass a range of tactics that seek to activate individuals who hold certain beliefs, persuade a particular audience to adopt a specific viewpoint, or divert the attention of target audiences.

The principle behind the strategy of distraction is based on the fact that propagandists are in a race to capture user attention on social media platforms, which is already spread thin.

By disseminating alternative theories or diluting the information environment, propagandists could successfully absorb user attention without necessarily swaying their opinions.

Although influence operations can take various forms and employ a range of tactics, they share several common threads, such as:

  • portraying one’s government, culture, or policies positively
  • advocating for or against specific policies
  • depicting allies in a favourable light and opponents in an unfavourable light to third-party countries
  • destabilizing foreign relations or domestic affairs in rival countries.

The paper published by OpenAI discusses the potential misuse of large language models and the need for a proactive approach to address it. It examines various misuse scenarios, including disinformation campaigns, phishing attacks, and deepfakes, and explores the challenges involved in detecting and preventing such misuse.

But one thing that the paper doesn’t include is the fact that we can all improve our critical thinking skills to better assess the veracity of the information we encounter online.

While technical and policy interventions are important to mitigate the risks of language model misuse, each of us can also play a crucial role in combatting disinformation by honing our critical thinking skills and exercising greater scepticism when evaluating online content.

The potential drawbacks of ChatGPT for critical thinking demonstrate the need for accountability and caution in its use. As with any new technology, it’s important to be aware of its limitations and to use it in a responsible and informed manner. This will ensure that we can maximize its benefits while minimizing its risks and preserving the integrity of information and critical thinking.

It’s important to note that these risks can be mitigated through responsible development and deployment of AI systems, as well as through media literacy and critical thinking education for consumers of information.

Tips for exercising critical thinking when using language AIs

Here are some tips for using ChatGPT in a responsible and effective way:

  • Always verify the information provided by ChatGPT. Use reliable sources to check the accuracy of its responses.

While ChatGPT is designed to provide accurate and helpful information, it is always important to verify the information provided by any source, including ChatGPT. Users are encouraged to use reliable sources to check the accuracy of responses, particularly for important or sensitive information. Additionally, users should be aware that ChatGPT’s responses may not always reflect the most up-to-date information or the full range of perspectives on a given topic. Therefore, it is recommended to use ChatGPT’s responses as a starting point for further research and exploration.

  • Be aware of the limitations of ChatGPT and the biases that may be present in its responses.

ChatGPT has limitations and biases that users should be aware of. While ChatGPT has been trained on a vast amount of data to generate responses that are relevant and accurate, it is not infallible and may provide incomplete or inaccurate information. Moreover, like any machine learning model, ChatGPT is only as unbiased as the data it has been trained on, and may inadvertently reflect certain biases or limitations of the data. Therefore, it is important for users to approach ChatGPT’s responses with a critical eye and to supplement them with information from multiple sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of a given topic.

  • Exercise caution when using ChatGPT for sensitive or important decisions. Double-check its responses and consider seeking the advice of a professional if necessary.

When using ChatGPT for sensitive or important decisions, it is crucial to exercise critical thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, and interpretation. Rather than relying solely on ChatGPT’s responses, it is important to double-check the information provided and to consider seeking the advice of a professional, particularly in complex or high-stakes situations. In addition to verifying the accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses, critical thinking skills such as logical reasoning and problem-solving can be used to weigh the pros and cons of different options and to make informed decisions based on the available information. By using critical thinking skills to supplement ChatGPT’s responses, users can make more informed and confident decisions, particularly in situations where the stakes are high.

  • Use ChatGPT to generate ideas and spark creativity, but don’t rely solely on its responses. Use your own critical thinking skills to evaluate and refine its output.

For example, , if you are using ChatGPT to generate ideas for a creative project, you can use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the quality and relevance of its suggestions. Consider factors such as whether the ideas align with your goals, whether they are feasible given your resources and constraints, and whether they are original and innovative. You can also use your critical thinking skills to build upon ChatGPT’s ideas and develop them further, using techniques such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or lateral thinking. By combining the power of ChatGPT’s natural language generation capabilities with your own critical thinking skills, you can enhance your creativity and generate ideas that are truly unique and impactful.

  • Educate yourself about the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT. Read articles, watch videos, and participate in online forums to stay informed about this technology.


The growing use of ChatGPT has significant implications for critical thinking, both in terms of its benefits and its risks.

On the one hand, ChatGPT has the potential to increase the efficiency and accessibility of written content, making it easier for individuals and organizations to access and engage with information.

On the other hand, ChatGPT also poses a number of risks, such as the spread of misinformation and the homogenization of perspectives, which can undermine critical thinking.

In order to ensure that the impact of ChatGPT on critical thinking is positive and beneficial for all, it’s important for individuals, organizations, and policymakers to be aware of its limitations and to use it in a responsible and informed manner. This might involve developing guidelines for the ethical use of ChatGPT, such as ensuring that information generated by ChatGPT is fact-checked and verified, and that alternative perspectives are represented. It might also involve investing in education and training programs to help individuals develop critical thinking skills and to learn how to effectively engage with written content generated by ChatGPT.

In conclusion, while ChatGPT has the potential to offer significant benefits for critical thinking, it also poses a number of risks. By being aware of its limitations and using it in a responsible and informed manner, individuals, organizations, and policymakers can help to ensure that the impact of ChatGPT on critical thinking is positive and beneficial for all. Through careful and responsible use, ChatGPT can become a powerful tool for promoting critical thinking, improving access to information, and fostering greater understanding and collaboration.

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