The Science Behind “You’re Fired!”

Written by Argumentful

Employee performance evaluations – they should occur regularly (e.g. yearly), they should be in line with a company’s expectations for each job level and apply fairly to everyone. We didn’t include “in an ideal world” because some companies actually get close to such an ideal already.

For all other companies, here’s how you can achieve this with Argumentful. We’ll create an argument map that concludes that a specific employee deserves a salary increase and calculates the confidence of such a statement starting from the sources that hold primary information such as company reports or public data. A Composite will specify the parts of various weigh that make up the performance criteria. Check out our previous post to see what various elements do in Argumentful.

What we achieve this way is a fully transparent way of assessing performance displayed in a visual way that’s easy to understand by employees looking forward to improving their result the following year. Obviosly, the same criteria with different scoring will be applied to another employee.

The data below is from a fictitious company (think Contoso or Fabrikam) but the criteria is very similar to many consulting companies that rate their consultants based on utilisation (time that’s directly chargeable to a client) and other internal, team-specific criteria.

Automatically generated text shown below:

We are highly confident that John Watkins should get a bonus this fiscal year. Before we demonstrate this statement, we’ll present the criteria used for this assessment. The most important criteria is utilisation (65%).The criteria also includes mentoring (15%), publishing work (10%), helping global team (10%). The four argument in the paragraphs below will go through each part and expand on that.

John Watkins mentored one junior employee last year. We know that from a publicly available data set available on [1].

John Watkins organised 4 global calls in FY20. We know that from a report available on [2].

John Watkins posted 20 times this FY. We know that from a publicly available data set available on [3].

John Watkins was 95% utilised in FY2020. We know that from a report available on [4].


1 Internal Mentoring Portal [URL, 2/11/2020], URL:

2 SampleData/Global calls report.pdf [AZUREFILES, 8/26/2019], URL: azure-files:///arg-test/SampleData/Global calls report.pdf

3 The Official Microsoft Blog [URL, 2/11/2020], URL:

4 SampleData/Time Sheet Report – John Watkins.pdf [AZUREFILES, 8/26/2019], URL: azure-files:///arg-test/SampleData/Time Sheet Report – John Watkins.pdf

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