by Argumentful | Oct 23, 2020 | Argumentation, Critical thinking posts, Tutorial |
Critical thinking is one of the most fundamental skills you could focus on. In fact, these skills are so important that many educational institutions have listed them among their central goals. Critical thinking helps you sort the true from the false. The bad news is...
by Argumentful | Oct 16, 2020 | Argumentation, Argumentful Maps, Critical thinking posts |
Jump to Section It’s Not Your Fault: Texts Have Complex StructuresSo, Why Should You Use Argument Maps for Improving Your Critical Thinking?How Is Your Critical Thinking Influenced By Your Cognitive Load? Do Argument Maps Help Your Critical Thinking? It’s Not Your...
by Argumentful | Sep 25, 2020 | Critical thinking posts, Fake News |
Structured efforts to increase the public’s distrust in science- or scientific misinformation- are not a recent occurrence. Science historians have shown that similar efforts took place in order to create false controversy about the scientific evidence of dangers of...
by Argumentful | Sep 18, 2020 | Critical thinking posts, Fake News |
How versed are you in evaluating online information? While this is an essential skill in the critical thinking tool-set, not many of us can say that we excel at judging whether a piece of information found online can be considered reliable. “The Internet has...
by Argumentful | Sep 4, 2020 | Critical thinking posts |
Thinking of Argumentful as a tool for creating argument maps may suggest it is disconnected from day-to-day life and only suitable for the academic world. While it is a great tool for students and academics, it also helps boost critical thinking in scenarios as...
by Argumentful | Aug 28, 2020 | Critical thinking posts |
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never known what you’re gonna get.” This famous analogy from the beloved Forrest Gump helps the audience gain an insight into the mysterious and random workings of life by comparing it to a more material object: a box of...