by Argumentful | Jun 12, 2020 | Argumentation, Argumentful Maps, Critical thinking posts |
Are you having challenges picking up the main idea of an article, deciding whether the author makes a good argument, so then you can make up your own mind about the issue at hand? Then keep reading, as you will find some fantastic tools which will help you improve...
by Argumentful | Jun 4, 2020 | Argumentation, Critical thinking posts |
JUMP TO SECTION What is Stasis Theory?Stasis Theory Argument CategoriesQuestions of FactQuestions of DefinitionQuestions of QualityQuestions of PolicyHow Can We Use Stasis Theory in Critical Thinking?Exercising Critical Thinking in Reading and Understanding...
by Argumentful | May 29, 2020 | Argumentation, Argumentful Maps, Critical thinking posts |
Many issues today call for analysing arguments. Whether you are reading a newspaper article trying to make sense of a current problem such as shortages of meat, or you’re deep into an academic study figuring out the latest research on virus genome, you will be going...
by Argumentful | May 22, 2020 | Argumentation, Critical thinking posts |
Let’s talk logical fallacies. Rather than discussing these from a theoretical standpoint, I selected a Guardian Science Weekly entry- the podcast discussing comparisons between different countries on Covid-19. In it, mathematician Kit Yates talks about how helpful it...
by Argumentful | May 14, 2020 | Critical thinking posts, Uncategorized |
The Guardian published over the last few weeks several articles about the report produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) which highlights the higher mortality of Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) people compared to whites. Firstly, let’s look at the...
by Argumentful | May 8, 2020 | Argumentation, Critical thinking posts |
Jump To Section What is an Argument?Arguments, Contributing Arguments, Premises and Conclusions- How confusing!How to Identify the Central Argument of a TextIdentifying the Central Argument of a Text in a Newspaper ArticleGetting the IdeaSignal WordsStasis...